Apexiem FAQ’s

How to: Upload and Send Final Documents

1. Select Searches dashboard from the navigation menu


2. Find the order that you would like to upload final documents to

3. Click on the hyperlinked order # or the view order button to view the order details


4. Click the green attach file button to upload final documents (if already attached then skip this step)


5. Upload the documents by clicking choose file and browsing to the correct file, enter a description (description will default to the file name if none is entered), and select the appropriate attachment type - Final Search.

6. click upload


7. All documents uploaded with a file type of Final Search will appear in the final documents panel on the order details page


8. To Email, select the blue Email File button


9. This will open a pre-populated email, reread/update the message, verify or add any Cc’s to the email, before scrolling down and selecting send (Note: This will email the client a link that will allow the user to download any files marked as Final


10. Only one email needs to be sent and to give the client access to all final documents, even if additional documents are uploaded after the email is sent